Problems and Perspectives of Service Sector Education

  • Konopleva N.A.

    Nina A. Konopleva. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Клочко Инна Леонидовна

    Inna L. Klochko. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Anastasiya L. Kucherenko

    Anastasiya L. Kucherenko. Saint Petersburg State University. Saint Petersburg. Russia


Abstract. The article discusses some issues of service sector education in general and in sociocultural service in particular. The authors explain the definition of the service sphere and service activities and point certain difficulties concerning management of service sector educa-
tion and developing students' professional competence. The article reveals the service sector education perspectives. They are determined by the development of postindustrial economy, characterized by the shift from the agrarian economy to the industrial one, which demonstrates
the growth of the tertiary economy sector, its differentiation, and the service sector growth alongside the emergence of some new segments, such as a quaternary one (information, telecommunication, research services) and the quinary sector (highly intellectual and creative
work). Besides, some peculiarities of postindustrial society are obvious: the employment transformation and the emergence of new employment areas (increasing number of people not engaged in physical labor, e.g. office staff, sales specialists, technical service workers, top managers and other qualified professionals). It is noted that one of the crucial values for a successful professional in a modern service sector is the mastering of creative technologies and project activities. The article proves that the service sector requires a creative type of a person, who is capable of nonstandard problem-solving, quick changing business strategies, finding unexpected ways out of seemingly unsolvable situations, and adopting new and unique methods to achieve goals.
Keywords: service sector, service, service activity, education, problems, prospective